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The English For Tech Textbook

Поліпшіть граматику і лексику для роботи в IT

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Зробіть прорив у розвитку soft skills

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With English For Tech, Anna Gandrabura has come out with a valuable tool for tech job-seekers and their teachers alike.

The textbook weaves technical vocabulary into colloquial real-world English phrases. The audio files are plentiful, and they’re authentic in spoken language and rate of speech.

Students who like knowing the rules of English will be delighted by well-organized grammar sections.

Finally, the bite-sized Annglish Tips will increase your feeling of mastering the challenges of English for Tech. This is a course book I would teach from, and would wholeheartedly recommend to self-study students.

Thea Micoli

Former Celta and Delta teacher, New York

Кому підійде підручник

IT-фахівцям, менеджерам в IT, рекрутерам і HR

Викладачам англійської, які навчають IT-фахівців

IT студентам

Що всередині

12 модулів на актуальні теми IT і бізнесу (від нових робіт в IT до складання резюме)

Прокачування 6 основних навичок: читання, вимови, аудіювання, граматики, письма та говоріння в контексті сучасної бізнес комунікації

Завдання по автентичним матеріалам (твіти та статті)

Окрема секція soft skills для практики робочих навичок (pitching, bug reports, peer reviews і т.д)

Завдання на побудову сильної граматичної бази

Ключі для самоперевірки і додаткові ресурси

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English For Tech
Second Edition





English For Tech Second Edition  + Grammar Phrasebook
+ Interactive Workbook

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Що кажуть наші студенти

English For Tech is the first English textbook I actually enjoyed!

I typically don't use textbooks when teaching, but this particular textbook is a treasure trove of modern up-to-date materials and engaging well-structured lessons. Highly recommend it to my colleagues!

Maria Glazunova
ESL and Business English coach

During our partnership with Anna and English For IT we experienced outstanding flexibility, increased employee satisfaction as well as recognition from our colleagues. It's always a pleasure to work with Anna and her team. They have become instrumental for our growth and success.

from EIS Group

English For IT provides great soft skills and cross cultural communication workshops which are crucial when dealing with foreign customers. We love that they offer individual approach and address the needs of each employee. We also like the fact that we can have classes with native speakers.

from GBSFO

Kudos to Anna and your entire team for making my English better! I used to have trouble with some grammar topics (especially, future tenses) but now I feel much better at it! I learned a lot of new words and phrases related to tech. Special thanks for lots of speaking activities.

Irina Potienko
tech professional

I'm an English teacher at a tech company, and there are not a lot of tech resources up for grabs.

I was lucky to bump into English for Tech by Anna and try it out with my students. This textbook is truly great if you want to boost your students' grammar and vocabulary through the context of the tech industry, which makes the process of learning English less stressful and more purposeful. The soft skills section is my personal favorite.Kudos to Anna for doing such a great job 😊

Alona Yurchenko
a freelance English teacher

I've just started using your textbook and teacher's guide. So far, I find them really useful and insightful 😊. I think both the topics and examples are great for IT guys, especially those, who want to stick to IT sphere only. Another advantage is the unit on soft skills, which they often lack.

Olesia Vorkevych
a freelance English teacher

Everything is so up-to-date and in demand in the Tech sphere that I can't think of better content. What I find amazing, this book is applicable for any level of students - I work with it with my A2 students as well as B2. It's versatile and universal. I have around 100+ students who managed to achieve their goals with the help of this textbook, nail the interviews, sustain everyday business communication at work, and become better presenters and more confident users of English in the work environment. This book has definitely made their lives better!

Kseniia Saulevych
a freelance English teacher
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Про автора

Анна Гандрабура

Womanpreneur, change leader, author of the English For Tech textbook and Interactive Workbook, founder of English For IT and Annglish, content creator and social media influencer.

Anna has taken multiple classes at Stanford University on management and effective communication, got a diploma in English for Specific Purposes from University of Oregon, and is CELTA certified by the Teaching House, New York.

She is the first person to have started creating ESL content for the tech space. She has worked with top tech companies such as Snapchat, Innovecs, EIS Group, Provectus providing workforce development training on soft skills.

Заснувала English For IT™ в 2012

Викладає англійську більше 16 років - з них 8 у IT

Працює з провідними IT-компаніями в Європі і США (EIS Group, Provectus, MacPaw, EXADEL та інші)

Вивчала комунікацію і менеджмент в Стенфорді

Проводить майстер-класи і виступає на конференціях по всьому світу. Один із останніх вебінарів Анни відвідали понад 1000 осіб в лайв режимі

Веде YouTube канал про англійську

Веде Instagram блог про мотивацію, мислення і спорт

We work with IT companies all over the world

Працюємо з найкращими IT-компаніями по всьому світу


В якому форматі доступна книга?

Підручник доступний в електронному форматі. Ми вирішили, що такий формат буде найбільш зручним для студентів, так як підручник містить безліч посилань на додаткові ресурси і інтерактивні завдання.

Чи підійде мені підручник, якщо мій рівень Upper-Intermediate?

Підійде, якщо є необхідність прокачати soft skills і повторити граматичну базу.

Чи підійде мені підручник, якщо я вже пройшов (йшла) курс English For Tech?

Так, в тому випадку, якщо ви проходили курс давно і вам потрібно повторити і закріпити весь матеріал.

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For English teachers

English For Tech Teacher's Guide

Helpful resources for designing amazing lessons

Overview of relevant and modern tech industry terms and concepts

Extra communication activities for every lesson

Order now

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