Improve your grammar and vocabulary for a successful career in tech
Boost your business communication skills
Upgrade your soft skills
With English For Tech, Anna Gandrabura has come out with a valuable tool for tech job-seekers and their teachers alike.
The textbook weaves technical vocabulary into colloquial real-world English phrases. The audio files are plentiful, and they’re authentic in spoken language and rate of speech.
Students who like knowing the rules of English will be delighted by well-organized grammar sections.
Finally, the bite-sized Annglish Tips will increase your feeling of mastering the challenges of English for Tech. This is a course book I would teach from, and would wholeheartedly recommend to self-study students.
Thea Micoli
Former Celta and Delta teacher, New York
Tech professionals, managers, HR and recruiters
English teachers working with tech industry professionals
Tech students
12 lessons on modern tech and business topics (from new jobs in tech to creating a killer resume)
Focus on improving 6 key language skills: reading, pronunciation, listening, grammar, writing and speaking through the context of modern business communication
Exercises and projects based on authentic resources (tweets, articles, videos etc.)
A separate soft skills section to practice a particular professional skill (elevator pitch, bug reports, peer reviews etc.)
Practice tasks that help you build a strong grammar foundation
Answer keys and links to helpful resources
English For Tech
Second Edition
English For Tech Second Edition + Grammar Phrasebook
+ Interactive Workbook
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For now, English For Tech is available in the e-book format. We've decided that the digital version would be most convenient for our students since the textbook contains lots of interactive exercises and links to extra resources.
It is if your goals are to boost soft skills and solidify your knowledge of grammar.
Yes, in case you took the course a long time ago and need to refresh and revise the material.
English For Tech Teacher's Guide
Helpful resources for designing amazing lessons
Overview of relevant and modern tech industry terms and concepts
Extra communication activities for every lesson
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